
  • Pre-Exam Consultation

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 6 years ago.

    Pre-Exam Consultation will be at 12noon on Thursday 02 May in Room 403 K17 Building, say from 12 to 12:45pm, if required it will be extended.

  • COMP2521 Final Exam Time/Seat allocations

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 6 years ago.

    COMP2521 Final Exam Time/Seat allocations are now available at the following site, you need to login using your zId and zPass.

    Students in the afternoon exam , can only see their corralling room . They will be told their lab seat when they turn up at the corralling room.


  • Assignment 2 groups: last upload

    Posted by Jashank Jeremy 6 years ago.

    As of 8:50pm today, I have made the last group upload from WebCMS 3. If you have been unable to submit because of group issues, these should now be resolved. You will not be penalised ... this time.

    For the hundred-odd students who have created or joined groups in the last week or so, and especially for the thirty or so students who created groups in the last day, be aware that this is not acceptable. You were given clear instructions and have had over three weeks to create groups; leaving it to the last minute demonstrates that, disappointingly, you have not taken responsibility for your learning. In future courses, this will not be taken kindly.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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