
  • Final Marks are In

    Posted by John Shepherd 5 years ago, last modified 5 years ago.

    The final marks have been submitted and approved. You can ignore any mark on the sturec page that says "N/A". They're not supposed to be visible in sturec ; but Webcms3 knows about them and displays their name but without being able to show the mark from SMS. Marks will be released on Thursday (maybe Wednesday).

    The marks distribution for COMP2521 was terrible; most people got DN or HD. The marks system gives us a "WAM diff" for each course (the difference between your mark for this course, and the average mark for all of your other courses). A value of +/- 3% would be typical. COMP2521 had +15%, which means that your mark for this course was, on average, 15% higher than for all your other courses. Happy Xmas.

  • Marking (ii)

    Posted by John Shepherd 5 years ago, last modified 5 years ago.

    Well ... at least the exams are marked. And ass1 is done. Just polishing off some late labs. Ass2view is being done now. Ass2hunt and Ass2team will be sorted out on Saturday. Just in time to submit on Sunday.

    Marks can always be altered after they have been "finalised" and released by UNSW (next Thursday).

    Although I don't see that anyone will have cause to complain, given how easy the exam was. You'll probably all be getting the best mark you've ever got during your study at UNSW.

  • Marking

    Posted by John Shepherd 5 years ago.

    Ok ... the exam is done and dusted ... now for marking.

    Marking schedule

    • ass1: clean up a few outstanding cases
    • ass1: do plagiarism checking (feeling guilty? confess now)
    • ass2view: Kevin has written the testing scripts; need to assess style
    • ass2hunt: I've written the scripts to generate the marks**
    • teamwork: will check peer assessment, Git repos, etc.
    • mark exam

    Keep checking your sturec to see as marks are added.

    Should all be done by mid-next-week (Aug 27).

    ** slowed down by the need to determine who gets penalised for non-contribution

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