
  • Results available

    Posted by Paul Hunter 7 years ago.

    Hi all,

    You should now be able to see your assignment grades as well as a preliminary overall grade on WebCMS and sms. Please note that the results may change. If you failed to achieve the 40% requirement for the exam, your final grade will be listed as 40 FL. I am currently working through determining the students who will qualify for a supplementary exam - assignment & quiz marks and performance on the final exam will all contribute to that decision. Those students will be advised soon.

    It is entirely possible I have made some errors when transcribing the results, please let me know if you believe there has been a significant omission/error asap - note that it may take me some time to give individual feedback, but I will certainly check any issues raised.



  • Exam queries

    Posted by Paul Hunter 7 years ago.

    Hi all,

    I'm getting a couple of concerned emails and I thought I'd send out a bulk email to (hopefully) help calm everyone.

    Firstly, there was an error in the first multiple-choice question on the exam, which I was unaware of until just now - the correct answer, 6, was not an option, so the question will be dropped (everyone gets it correct!). My apologies for not being able to address it this morning - if anyone mentioned it to an invigilator, then the information was not passed on to me. Incidentally, issues like this are why lecturers are required to be available during the examination - if you have serious concerns about a question then you should raise it with an invigilator who should pass it on to the lecturer in charge. Once raised, carry on with the rest of the exam (try to not let them take your exam paper, and do not waste time waiting for a resolution). If your issue is not resolved satisfactorily before you need it to be in order to answer the question, answer it to the best of your ability, highlighting the assumptions you are making (if possible).

    Secondly, as the previous point highlights, I am human (last I checked) and I will be marking your papers. I will be checking all of your books (which is why they were all collected), primarily to see if there is anything I can award partial credit for. So as long as it is clear what question you are answering, it does not matter whether your answers are all in a book, or on the exam paper - the only issue being if I cannot easily find/identify them. Likewise, it doesn't matter too much whether you used a cross/tick/circle/smiley face if you only marked one multiple choice answer. Corrections to multiple choice answers should have followed the instructions at the front of the exam paper to avoid ambiguities.

    Finally, I am wading through the assignment mark request emails (keep them coming!) and will answer everyone eventually.

    Don't panic - I think most of you will be surprised at where/how you end up picking up marks, so there's a good chance you have done better than you believe. Focus on your next exams (if you have more).

    As always, I will be available to address specific individual concerns and I am happy to answer any further questions/issues you have.


  • Change in consultation time

    Posted by Paul Hunter 7 years ago.

    Hi all,

    I will not be available for consultation until 12:30 today (because apparently USyd still have classes this week)

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