
Name Staff Day Start Time End Time Weeks Room
1PGA Hui Wu
Tatjana Zrimec
Tue 16:00 18:00 11 Law Th G04
Fri 16:00 18:00 1-7,9-10 Law Th G04


Day Start Time End Time Room Who
Wednesday 12:00 14:00 Piano Lab Sahil Punchhi
This help session (Week 2 - Week 10) is intended to help students who have issues in C programming.
Friday 18:00 20:00 Organ Lab Sidra Malik
This help session (Week 2- Week 10) is intended to help students who have issues in C programming.
Thursday 14:00 17:00 K17-501D Hui Wu
This is traditional consultation. Hui Wu will answer any questions related to this course.

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