Dear COMP9024 Students,
You can view your exam marks and final marks. Follow this link:
Notice that your final marks are not final and will be rounded.
Congratulations to the following students who got HD:
Li, Zac
Chi, Yan Kin
Prosser, Hamish
Wang, Tony
Yang, Bingyan
Li, Jicheng
Shao, Derek
Qiu, Xin
Xing, Almersy
Li, Qianyi
Li, Zheran
Lin, Han-Hsin
Daniel, Christian
Wan, Kinto
Zeng, Maxine
Li, Baipeng
Dong, Guangwei
Yu, Kuiyuan
Kotkar, Amit
Liao, Siqing
Zeng, Lucas
Eight of them got at least 90, and Zac got 97! Well done guys!
For those who are close to Pass, you will be informed of the time and date of the supplementary exam this week. The supplementary exam will be also held online. Please be prepared.
Dear All,
The assignment 3 marks have been released. Most of you did well in this assignment. Please check the results.
Note: If you have any questions regarding to the marks, please let me know ( as soon as possible.
Dear COMP9024 Students,
1. Graph drawing tools. In part 1 of the exam, you need to draw graphs such as binary heaps and (2,4) trees. You can use any drawing tool you are familiar with. Or draw graphs on papers and take a picture of each paper.
2. Questions in part 2. There are 5 questions: one question about binary search tree, one question about binary heap, one question about pattern matching problem, and two questions about graphs.
3. How to submit your files?
Step 1: Go to
You will see the following window:
Click on "Close". Then you will see the following windows:
To submit files, click on "Add submission" at the bottom of the window. You will see the following window:
Then click on the add file icon (the first icon) to add files, one file at a time. Once you have added all the files, click on "Save changes" at the bottom of the window. You will see the following window again:
Then click on "Close". You will see the following window:
Now, click on "Submit assignment", which will submit all the files you have added.
3. How many files you can submit? You can submit at most 13 files of any types. The file size is at most 200MB. To save time, you can compress multiple files into a single file with a size not exceeding 200MB. Please give a meaningful name to each files such as Q1, Q2.
4. The exam time is 1pm - 5pm Wed 12 May Sydney time. The deadline for submitting all files is 5:05pm. You can submit a file at any time between 1pm and 5:05pm. The extra 5 minutes is used to handle any unexpected cases such as network breakdown. If you are unable to submit your file for some reasons, email your files to me by 5:05pm.
5. The exam paper will appear on the the final exam page on the course website on Moodle at 1pm. The link is . Note that you need to sign onto Moodle using your UNSW zPass. Please try signing on before the exam.
We use our MS Teams site for any questions during the exam. There is is a separate channel named Final Exam. If you have any questions, type your questions in this channel or call me using video or audio call.
Dear COMP9024 Students,
I will have two consultation sessions before the exam:
Session 1: 2pm - 5pm Monday 10 May Sydney time
Session 2: 10am - 1 pm Tuesday 11 May Sydney time
As before, come to Consultation channel on our MS Teams site.
Dear COMP9024 Students,
I understand that you are very busy at the end of this term. In order to help you make better management of time, I have extended the deadline of Assignment 3 by two days. The new deadline is 22pm Friday 30 April.
Dear COMP9024 Students,
This is a reminder that there is a lecture about the final exam at 6pm tomorrow (Monday Week 11). I will discuss the exam format, structures, and types of questions as well as the scope.
Dear COMP9024 Students,
Many students did very well in Assignment 1 and Assignment 2.
I have released a sample solution to both Assignment 1 and Assignment 2 on the assignment page. Both sample solutions are Jenny Chen's submissions with some minor changes.
These sample solutions are intended to help you understand both assignments. Jenny has the copyright for both sample solutions. So you are not allowed to distribute them or upload either sample solution to any website.
Dear COMP9024 Students,
The final exam will be held between 1pm to 5pm Wed 12 May. Please mark your calendar. The exam will be in the form of an assignment on our Moodle course website ( ), and the final exam paper will be available on the the Moodle website. You can download the exam paper at 1pm, and must submit your exam by 5pm. The maximum submission size is 200MB. If your file exceeds 200MB, please split it into multiple files with a meaningful name (e.g., Paper1, Paper 2, ...) for each file so that each file does not exceed 200MB. Remember to submit all the files.
We use our MS Teams site for Q&A. There is a separate channel named Final Exam on our MS Teams site used for the exam only. If you have any questions, you can raise your questions via chat on the Final Exam channel or talk to me directly via audio call or video call.
There are 6 students who are not available for the exam during the above time period. For those students, the exam time is:
1pm - 5 pm Saturday 15 May
The process for those 6 students is the same as above. If you're one those 6 students, please email me. Other students cannot take the exam during this time period. Note that the exam paper is different.
There is a lecture about the final exam next Monday (Week 11). The time (at 6pm) is the same as the normal lecture on Monday. I will discuss the exam format, structures, and types of questions.
Dear All,
Based on the feedback from the first poll, it seems that you guys are available on 12 May for the exam. I propose the new exam time as follows:
1pm - 5pm 12 May
In order ensure everyone will be available for the exam, I have created another poll for those who are not available for the exam during the above time period.
The link is
If you're not available, please complete the poll by 10pm this Sunday. If you are available, skip the poll. Thanks.
Dear All,
Since the exam time set by UNSW is too early and you don't have enough time for preparations, I propose a new exam time:1pm - 5pm Saturday 08/05/2021, and need the approvals from all of you guys. Please complete it by this Sunday. The poll is on our MS Teams site and the link is
Dear All,
The assignment 2 marks have been released. Please check the results.
Note: If you have any questions regarding to the marks, please let me know ( as soon as possible.
Dear All,
If you did not attend the last two lectures, and have difficulty in Assignment 3, please watch the lecture videos of the last two lectures. I explained the key data structures of the bus networks, graph and priority queue that supports key updates.
Dear COMP9024 Students,
The last assignment has been released. Again you need to work solo. The deadline is 10pm Wed 28 April 2021.
This assignment is the most challenging one. Please start working on it as soon as possible. I will discuss it at the end of the lecture this afternoon.
Dear COMP9024 Students,
The final exam will be held during 1pm - 4:15pm Mon 03/05/2021. The exam duration is 3 hours and you have extra 15 minutes to upload your solutions to Moodle. Please mark your calendar.
The exam paper will be available on our Moodle course website
I will post the detailed instructions about the final exam in late Week 10.
Dear COMP9024 Students,
This is a reminder that Assignment 2 is due at 10pm tomorrow.
You can submit multiple times and only the last submission will be marked.
Dear COMP9024 Students,
The lecture between 6-8pm next Monday will be on as usual. If you cannot make it, you can watch the lecture recording.
My consultation between 3pm and 5pm today will be on as usual.
Have a good long weekend!
Dear All,
CSE server shutdown last weekend may have affected your work on Assignment 2. So I have extended the deadline for Assignment 2 by one day. The new deadline is 10pm Monday 5 April.
Dear COMP9024 Students,
I want to emphasize again that plagiarism is a misconduct or serous misconduct. We use plagiarism checker for all assignments. Any plagiarism will be caught for sure. Once you are caught for plagiarism, you will be reported to UNSW. Please DON'T DO it!
Dear COMP9024 Students,
As you know, I/O is platform-sensitive. The newline character on Windows is '\r\n' while it is '\n' on Unix (Linux).
Terry will mark all the assignments. To help Terry in marking, after you complete testing your program on your machine, please run it on VLAB. If you have problem running it on VLAB, please give your platform as comments at the beginning of your code. For example:
// Platform: Windows
Thanks for your cooperation!
Dear COMP9024 Students,
In my Week 4 Monday lecture, I explained how to get the linear time complexity for both union tree and intersection tree. If you did not attend the lecture, please watch the lecture recording.
Dear COMP9024 Students,
There will be no lecture next week (Week 6). However, labs and my consultation will be still on as before.
Dear COMP9024 Students,
We use give systems to manage the marks of all assignments and exam. To view your marks, go to:
You need to select COMP9024 and assn1 for Assignment 1.
If you have any questions, please contact Terry Zhuo as soon as possible.
Hi All,
The assignment 1 marks have been released. Please check the results.
Note: The marking process was mainly based on the CSE machine and Windows System. If you have any questions regarding to the marks, please let me know (
Dear All,
In the assignment template, the variable new is defined in AVLTreeNode *newAVLTreeNode(int k, int v ). new is an operator for creating an object in several object-oriented programming languages, so some compilers do not allow using new as a variable name. I have changed it to newNode . Please download the template again.
Sorry for the mistake.
Dear All,
UNSW provides a list of free software, including anti-virus software from Symantec, to all students. The link is: . Using your zPass to sign in.
Dear All,
This is a reminder that Assignment 1 is due this Sunday. You can submit it multiple times, and the last one will be marked.
Dear All,
In the lecture today, I explained an improved algorithm for finding the longest sublist. However, the improved algorithm may be incorrect if the list contains duplicates.
Consider the list u={2, 11, 11, 12, 13, 13, 13, 25}. The longest sublist is {13, 13, 13}.
In the assignment specification, I have added the following additional assumption:
Assume that all the integers in the list pointed by u are distinct.
Under this assumption, you can have faster algorithm which does not need to test all the integers between min and max, where min is 2 (Not the smallest absolution of all the integers) and max is the largest absolute value of all the integers.
Dear COMP9024 Students,
Sorry for the spam.
I have uploaded lecture recordings onto the Moodle course website
You can download each recording or watch it from Moodle. Hopefully, this solve the problem for some students.
From now on, each lecture recording will be available on Moodle course website, the main course website and the team.
Dear All,
Thank you for your cooperation yesterday. If you did not attend the lecture, you can watch the lecture recording by going to either the team or the "Lecture Notes" page.
For C, I will make a video to explain how to get Visual Studio Code running on Windows and how to use it on CSE VLAB.
Lab will start next week. If you have issues running a C program, you can ask a tutor for help in the lab. As I explained in the lecture, you go to the team for each lab.
Dear All,
Welcome to COMP9024!
Please take some time to read the course outline. All the course activities (lectures, labs and final exam) are held online. Labs start in Week 2. In the labs, you will write code for assignments in C. Two lab tutors will help you with C programming issues. Labs are not compulsory. If you do not have any issues in C programming for assignments, you do not need to attend any labs.
Lectures will be given on MS Teams. The link to our team is . All the lectures will be recorded and available on our team. So please install MS Teams on your computer. If you miss a lecture, you can watch the video later on.
Our course website is on Webcms3. The link is . Please bookmark it. The lecture slides, problem sets and assignments will be on the course website. You can post your questions on the course website. I will answers all your questions each day.
See you at 6pm next Monday 15 Feb on our team.
All the best,
Hui Wu