
Name Staff Day Start Time End Time Weeks Room
1PGA Chun Tung Chou
Tue 12:00 14:00 1-5,7-10 Online
Thu 12:00 14:00 1-5,7-10 Online
1UGA Chun Tung Chou
Tue 12:00 14:00 1-5,7-10 Online
Thu 12:00 14:00 1-5,7-10 Online


Day Start Time End Time Room Who
Thursday 14:00 14:30 Online Chun Tung Chou
!!!CHANGE OF TIME. For Week 10: the consultation will be at 4-4:30pm.!!! Weeks 2-10 only. Via Zoom. Login details are (Unfortunately, not clickable. Need to copy and paste link into browser.) https://webcms3.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP9334/21T1/resources/58219
Tuesday 14:00 14:30 Online Chun Tung Chou
(This consultation will not take place in Week 2 due to other commitment.) Weeks 2-10 only. Via Zoom. Login details are (Unfortunately, not clickable. Need to copy and paste link into browser.) https://webcms3.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP9334/21T1/resources/58219

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