
  • Lecture recordings

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou Tuesday 10 September 2024, 12:32:40 PM.

    The lecture recording for today's lecture is now available at the Echo360 site which you can access via the ENGG1811 Moodle page. Future lecture recordings will be available in the same way.

  • Lecture materials for Week 1

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou Monday 09 September 2024, 09:43:14 AM, last modified Monday 09 September 2024, 09:45:08 AM.

    The lecture materials for Week 1 are now available at the course website under the menu item "Lectures". I've also included a zip file ( which includes some Python code. I will show you how we will be using them in Friday's lecture. Please note that you need to log in to see the materials.

    A reminder to install the software package Anaconda before your first lecture. Please follow the instructions at the "Getting Started" link on the course website.

    See you on Tue at 9am, either in-person or online, for the first lecture. In-person lectures are in Matthews B and the zoom link for online lectures can be found under "Lectures" on the course website. Lastly, labs are on in Week 1.

  • Welcome to ENGG1811!

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou Friday 06 September 2024, 04:46:57 PM, last modified Friday 06 September 2024, 04:48:34 PM.

    Welcome to ENGG1811 (24T3 edition)!

    I hope you are ready to learn some computing with us for this term. My name is Chun Tung Chou and I am the lecturer for this course. There are a number of important points that I would like to let you know.

    • The main course website for ENGG1811 is located at: . We ask you to bookmark the page. Please note that you will need to log in using your zID and zPass.
    • The course outline is available at the course website.
    • You will be learning to solve computation problems using the Python programming language in ENGG1811. We do not expect any prior experience in programming and will start from scratch.
    • You will need a free software called Anaconda . Please install it on your computer before the first lecture. You will need Anaconda for your lectures, labs, assignments etc. Instructions for installing Anaconda can be found at the "Getting Started" link on the course website. Note that, if you are an Apple Mac user, the instructions ask you to install a particular version of Anaconda because we found some parts of the latest version of Anaconda did not work Macs.
    • The lectures are in hybrid format meaning that the in-person and online lectures will take place simultaneously. The in-person lectures are in Matthews B. Instructions for joining the online lectures are available at the "Lectures" link on the course website.
    • Lecture materials for Week 1 will be posted on the course website this coming Monday.
    • Labs will start in Week 1 . The lab exercises for Week 1 has already been posted on the course website. You can find the exercises and information on attending the labs at the "Labs" link on the course website.
    • If you have questions, you can ask on the course forum. Click on the "Course forum" link on the website for more information.

    I look forward to seeing you at 9am on Tue for the first lecture. And, please do get Anaconda installed before that.

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