A reminder that the Live Coding Sessions (1pm on Mondays) are starting this week. Callum (the session leader) has posted the materials for this week on the course forum earlier this morning. These sessions are online and you can join using a link on the ENGG1811 Moodle page. Further information is available on the Learning Support page on the course website.
The Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) are also starting this week. These are weekly group study sessions led by senior students who have successfully completed ENGG1811 before. Information on PASS and the session times are available on the Learning Support page .
I've just posted the final version of the code that we have worked on in the lecture this week. You can find them under Lectures, Week 1.
We will be using the same modus operandi for the rest of the course. Preliminary version of the code will be posted before the lecture and final version will be posted after the last lecture of the week.
In addition to lectures and labs, we also support your learning through the course forum and live coding sessions . You can find information on these two support channels under the menu item "Learning Support" at the course website. A direct link is here .
As I mentioned in the lecture earlier, I have posted some exercises on the course forum. If you go to the course forum, click on the "Exercises" link on the left, you will find them. Exercises will be posted each week in the same way. Programming is a practical task, the more you work on it, the better you become.
I'd like to encourage you to attend the weekly Live Coding Sessions which take place on Mondays 1-2pm, starting from Week 2. These are interactive sessions where the session leader (Callum) explores solving computational and coding problems. Students in the past have found these sessions very helpful for them. These sessions are online and you can join using a link on the ENGG1811 Moodle page. These sessions will be recorded.
The lecture recording for today's lecture is now available at the Echo360 site which you can access via the ENGG1811 Moodle page. Future lecture recordings will be available in the same way.