[6 Sept 2024: Help Sessions will start in Week 4. Information to be updated.]

They are not compulsory but use them to prepare your labs or for additional help outside the scope of your lab e.g. setting up your laptop for home computing. There will be additional help sessions and tutors during assignment periods.

Some of the help sessions are online on Blackboard Collaborate.

  1. Go to ENGG1811 Moodle page
  2. Select Online Lectures, Labs and Help Sessions
  3. Select Help Sessions
  4. Raise your hand. And then wait for one of the tutors to be free.

More info: https://student.unsw.edu.au/blackboard-collaborate-ultra

For in person help sessions, please BYOD.

CSE Lab Map / Where is K17-G05?

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Week


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8 8
9 9
10 10
Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Week

Resource created Wednesday 04 September 2024, 09:35:19 PM, last modified Friday 06 September 2024, 02:18:15 PM.

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