Dear ENGG1811 students,
You were sent an email in Week 10 to inform you of your seat allocation for the exam. This is a reminder to check your allocation so that you know where to go. You can view your allocation using this link (which was in the email sent to you):
Assignment 2 results are now available. The class did very well for this assignment.
You can collect a report on your work where you will find your mark, computer test results, style mark and comments from your tutor. To collect the report, go to the Assignment 2 page and click on the "Collect Submission" tab.
If you have questions about your mark and feedback in the report, please speak with your lab tutor.
I have created a web page which contains some feedback on the assignment. The page will cover how we tested your code as well as my solution. Please note that my solution should only be used as guide as there are many methods to write the code. You will find the link to that page near the top of the Assignment 2 page.
The Self-directed 2 Lab marks are now available. You can check it using this link .
The solution to past exams was made available on Monday.
Thank you to those students who completed the MyExperience survey. If you haven't done it yet, I'd like to encourage you to your feedback.
If you have questions, you can attend one of the following pre-exam consultations. These are one-to-one online consultations run by the lecturer. You can join these consultations by using the same Zoom link for the lectures (See Lectures on course website for the link). You will be placed in a waiting room and the lecturer will help you in a first-come-first-served basis. The consultation times are:
You can also continue to ask questions on the forum.
I've put 3 past exam papers on the course website. You can find them under the "Course Work" section of the site.
Our aim is to release the Assignment 2 marks in Week 12 so that you know your assignment marks before the exam.
If you have not completed the MyExperience survey, I want to encourage you to give us your feedback.
Once again, there won't be a lecture this Friday (Week 12).
A number of students found that when they logged onto Matlab Grader, they were not able to see the lab exercises. Let me explain how you can fix this problem.
For this explanation, I assume your zID is 1234567. We used to enrol you in Matlab Grader but you probably have used to create a MathWorks (the company that owns Matlab) account. If this is the case, you need to log onto Matlab Grader using which is what you used to create the Mathwork account. This should solve the problem.
In case you cannot find the Matlab Grader invitation and need us to send it to you, I will ask you to go to the forum and reply to the thread "I need the Matlab Grader invitation resent to me ... ". We have pinned that thread near the top so it should be easy to find. We will resend the invite to you within 24 hours if you let us know by 5pm, Friday of Week 12. Please do not email your request to the admin or lecturer, thank you.
Assignment 1 results are now available. The class did very well for this assignment.
You can collect a report on your work where you will find your mark, computer test results, style mark and comments from your tutor. To collect the report, go to the Assignment 1 page and click on the "Collect Submission" tab.
If you have questions about your mark and feedback in the report, please speak with your tutor.
I have created a web page which contains some general feedback on the assignment. The page will cover how we tested your code, the test cases for two functions, as well as my solution. Please note that my solution should only be used as guide as there are many methods to write the code. You will find the link to that page near the top of the Assignment 1 page.
Sadly a number of students were alleged to have committed plagiarism. I want to use this opportunity to remind everyone that your submitted work must be your own. Both plagiarism and the use of AI in ENGG1811 are considered to be academic misconduct. If you need help doing your assignment, you can go to a Help Session and ask on the forum.
The purpose of this message is to let you know how the course will be run in Week 10 (next week).
I will release 3 past exam papers in Week 10.
Lastly, a reminder that Assignment 2 is due on Thursday of Week 10 at 5pm and Self-directed Lab 2 is due on Monday of Week 11 at 5pm. Note also that the deadline for the Self-directed Lab 2 is strict and no late submissions will be accepted.
P.S. We are working to get Assignment 1 marks to you in Week 9.
The following is a message from the PASS leaders. Please note that the dates and times for PASS can be found under the Learning Support section of the course website.
Dear Students,
A reminder that you are welcome to attend PASS, which is held both in person and online, for additional support in your studies. Here’s a summary of what we will be covering in the next few weeks during PASS:
Assignment Revision and Feedback:
Finals Revision & Study:
Looking forward to seeing you at the sessions for study tips, extra practice, and to help you prepare for upcoming tests!
Assignment 2 has been released. To view it, go to the course website and look for the Assignment 2 link on the menu.
I've also made a short video to introduce Assignment 2 and to give you some general tips. The most important two general tips are: (1) Start your assignment early; and, (2) Incremental development. On the technical side, for this assignment, we want you to use numpy to solve computational problems.
You can get help on Assignment 2 via the Course Forum and Help Sessions.
All the best with your Assignment 2.
The second online module on the topic of Matlab has been released. The module has been filed under Labs (under Week 7's entry) on the course website.
There is an assessable lab (Self-directed lab 2) associated with this module. This self-directed lab is hosted on the Matlab Grader platform. You will soon be receiving an email invitation for you to enrol in Matlab Grader.
Please note that the submission deadline for Self-directed Lab 2 is 5 pm, Monday 18 Nov 2024 (i.e. Monday of Week 11). This is a hard deadline.
I did not manage to finish all the lecture materials in this morning's lecture. I have recorded a video which covers the rest of the materials. The video has been added to the ENGG1811 lecture recording collection (access via Moodle). The title of the recording is " ENGG1811 Week 7 Tue (From Slide 8 of Week 7B till the end)".
Hope everyone is enjoying their Week 6 break.
The help sessions in Week 6 on Wednesday and Thursday will now be run as hybrid sessions, that is you may attend either in-person or online via Blackboard Collaborate to receive assistance, as we realise some students may have to travel quite far to make it onto campus. See here or click the Help Sessions link on the sidebar for instructions on how to join these sessions online.
ENGG1811 has two online modules. Each online module consists of a number of video lectures for self-learning and an assessable lab.
The first online module on the topic of spreadsheets has been released. The module has been filed under Labs (under Week 5's entry) on the course website. The web page for the module has a link that will take you to the assessable lab, which we call Self-directed Lab 1.
Please note that the submission deadline for Self-directed Lab 1 is 5 pm, Thur 31 Oct 2024 (Week 8) .
P. S. Due to the public holiday yesterday, the Live Coding Session this week will be held this evening at 6:30-7:30pm.
Hey everyone,
More help sessions are coming to Weeks 6, 7, 9 and 10! You can find the timetable here or on the sidebar of WebCMS3 as usual. These sessions will be in-person and are a great opportunity to get face-to-face feedback from a tutor on anything course-related.
Also a small note that some of these sessions will only run for one hour (as opposed to the usual two), check the timetable for details.
Hi everyone,
As Monday of Week 5 is a public holiday, the Live Coding Session will instead be run online on Tuesday Week 5 from 6:30 to 7:30pm and will be focused on the assignment (using test files, writing functions, etc) with materials being provided on Ed prior to the session starting as normal. I highly encourage everyone to attend to get a chance to familiarise yourself with the kind of code you'll end up writing for the assignment.
I've added a short video to the Assignment 1 page. The short video tells you what Assignment 1 is about and offers some general tips. I will repeat the two most important tips: get started early and incremental development. If you need help to do your assignment, the help sessions are on from this week. All the best with your assignment,
Assignment 1 has been released. To view it, go to the course website and look for the Assignment 1 link on the menu.
I'll add a short video to introduce Assignment 1 and to give you some general tips. The video will be available this afternoon.
We will also be starting the Help Sessions this week. These are sessions where you can get one-on-one help from tutors on assignments especially but also on other academic aspects of this course.
Hey everyone,
Help sessions are starting this week! You can find the timetable and instructions on how to join online sessions here or on the sidebar of WebCMS3.
Online sessions will run until Week 10 inclusive on Mondays at 2-4pm and Thursdays at 4-6pm with more in-person sessions planned later in the term. I encourage everyone who needs assistance or would like feedback on their coursework to attend sooner rather than later as sessions can get very busy close to assignment deadlines.
Have you been to the Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS)? ENGG1811 PASS leader Sue has recorded to this short video to tell you about PASS. There are three sessions per week and the Tuesday sessions have been moved to a new location, the details are in the learning support section of the course website.
A reminder that the Live Coding Sessions (1pm on Mondays) are starting this week. Callum (the session leader) has posted the materials for this week on the course forum earlier this morning. These sessions are online and you can join using a link on the ENGG1811 Moodle page. Further information is available on the Learning Support page on the course website.
The Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) are also starting this week. These are weekly group study sessions led by senior students who have successfully completed ENGG1811 before. Information on PASS and the session times are available on the Learning Support page .
I've just posted the final version of the code that we have worked on in the lecture this week. You can find them under Lectures, Week 1.
We will be using the same modus operandi for the rest of the course. Preliminary version of the code will be posted before the lecture and final version will be posted after the last lecture of the week.
In addition to lectures and labs, we also support your learning through the course forum and live coding sessions . You can find information on these two support channels under the menu item "Learning Support" at the course website. A direct link is here .
As I mentioned in the lecture earlier, I have posted some exercises on the course forum. If you go to the course forum, click on the "Exercises" link on the left, you will find them. Exercises will be posted each week in the same way. Programming is a practical task, the more you work on it, the better you become.
I'd like to encourage you to attend the weekly Live Coding Sessions which take place on Mondays 1-2pm, starting from Week 2. These are interactive sessions where the session leader (Callum) explores solving computational and coding problems. Students in the past have found these sessions very helpful for them. These sessions are online and you can join using a link on the ENGG1811 Moodle page. These sessions will be recorded.
The lecture recording for today's lecture is now available at the Echo360 site which you can access via the ENGG1811 Moodle page. Future lecture recordings will be available in the same way.
The lecture materials for Week 1 are now available at the course website under the menu item "Lectures". I've also included a zip file ( which includes some Python code. I will show you how we will be using them in Friday's lecture. Please note that you need to log in to see the materials.
A reminder to install the software package Anaconda before your first lecture. Please follow the instructions at the "Getting Started" link on the course website.
See you on Tue at 9am, either in-person or online, for the first lecture. In-person lectures are in Matthews B and the zoom link for online lectures can be found under "Lectures" on the course website. Lastly, labs are on in Week 1.
Welcome to ENGG1811 (24T3 edition)!
I hope you are ready to learn some computing with us for this term. My name is Chun Tung Chou and I am the lecturer for this course. There are a number of important points that I would like to let you know.
I look forward to seeing you at 9am on Tue for the first lecture. And, please do get Anaconda installed before that.