The Thesis Topic Nomination Form will open 8 weeks before the start of semester, and all students must have their topic finalised by O-Week. Failure to do so may result in you being discontinued from the course.

You must first enrol in Thesis Part A, to ensure that pre-requisites are met, before accessing the online nomination form. (Allow the system to capture your enrolment overnight)

You can then nominate your thesis topic in one of two ways:

Online Nomination (Standard Method)

By browsing the current topic list and providing us with a list of 5 thesis topics. When we have your nominations, the system will cycle through your preferences contacting each supervisor and prompting them to consider your nomination. We will endeavour to match you with a supervisor of one of your nominations, but in some cases this is not possible. Where none of your 5 preferences are accepted, your nomiation will be re-set and you will be asked to nominate 5 more topics.

Pre-Approved Nomination (Recommended for Quick Approval)

You may approach academics directly and request a thesis topic, or even suggest a topic yourself to the academic. In any case, the only permission you need to do an agreed topic is from the academic that will supervise you.

If your supervisor isn't on the CSE Thesis Supervisors list, then you must get the supervisor to contact the CSE Student Office (undergrad @ cse) so they can be vetted and given access to enter their topics.

If your topic isn't on the topic list , then your supervisor will need to create it before you can nominate it.

How To Nominate

Please go to the Nomination Form and submit a Pre-Approved or Online Nomination.

You will need to be enrolled in Thesis Part A, and you will log in using your CSE Username and Password.

A Note on Industrial Topics

Students may use their own initiative and propose a thesis topic that involves collaboration with an industry partner. An industrial thesis topic requires support from a CSE academic and approval from the CSE Thesis Coordinator .

To establish a new industrial thesis topic, you need to carry out the following steps:

  • Have an industry supervisor who can oversee the work on a day-to-day basis. The industry supervisor and student need to agree on a project description.
  • Find a CSE academic who is willing to support the project and act as the main assessor. By supporting the project, the academic is affirming its academic merit.
  • Send the project description, the name of the company and the name of CSE academic to the CSE Thesis Coordinator for approval.
  • Ask the the CSE academic to add the industry project to the CSE Thesis Topics Database . The CSE academic should ensure the topic:
    • is jointly supervised (the industry supervisor is the first supervisor, the CSE academic is the second).
    • is not shown on the web.
  • Nominate the topic as a pre-approved topic nomination.

Resource created 9 years ago, last modified 9 years ago.


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