The written report should expand on the the following tasks described in the CSE Thesis Course Outline: define the problem, survey the literature, present your options, plan your attack. You should also describe any preliminary results (e.g. a system prototype). It is worth investing effort in the Thesis Part A Report, because you can use most (if not all) of the content as a basis for your Thesis Part B report.

The report should:

  • include a title page, containing: thesis title, author name(s), submission date, supervisor name
  • contain proper page numbers and a properly formatted list of references (bibliography)
  • be at least 15 pages long, not including the title page and bibliography, preferably, not be longer than 30 pages
  • be formatted for an A4 page with 2cm margins, 12-point font size, and 1.5 spacing
  • be in PDF format that is readable with Acrobat ( acroread) on the CSE workstations (other formats such as MS-Word, RTF are not acceptable)

Download CSE Thesis report template (LaTeX highly recommended). This zip file contains templates for LaTeX, MS Word and OSX Pages.

Warning: The thesis report is supposed to represent your own ideas. Do NOT copy text from other people into your thesis. You may include small quotes from others' work, but they must appear in quotation marks and be properly referenced. Failure to follow this advice will result in automatic failure of the thesis and possible disciplinary action from the University. See the University's plagiarism guidelines for more details.

Submission: The written report must be submitted on-line through myCSE by Tuesday of Week 12 (see the course Web site for details).

Resource created Monday 23 May 2016, 11:30:35 AM, last modified Tuesday 30 August 2016, 05:10:15 PM.


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