// Dice Checker demo in Lecture 2
// A program that takes two dice rolls
// Adds them together and tests the total
// against a secret target number.
// It will then tell the user whether they
// have met the target or not
// Marc Chee February 2020
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int dieOne = -1;
int dieTwo = -1;
// scan in die values from user
printf("Please type in the value of die one: ");
scanf("%d", &dieOne);
printf("Please type in the value of die two: ");
scanf("%d", &dieTwo);
// calculate and report total
int total = dieOne + dieTwo;
printf("You rolled: %d total.\n", total);
// Test against secret target
if (total >= SECRET_NUMBER) { // target met
printf("Roll was successful.\n");
} else { // total less than SECRET_NUMBER
printf("Roll was a failure.\n");
return 0;
Resource created 5 years ago.
file: diceChecker2.c