The web page for COMP1521 19T3 is located at:
The scaled final exam marks and provisional final marks are now visible. Note that, (lab/blog) bonus marks (if any) have been accounted for. A shout out to the following students for making the honour roll.
Zac Kologlu 100 (JEEZ !!)
Bryan Hutagalung 99
Arkie Owen 99
Michael Ellis 98
Benjamin Sho 98
A special shout out to all tutors for being so patient and helpful. A super special shout out to Jashank for basically being the engine room for this course.
I hope that you found the course to be useful. It was a pleasure to teach it. Good luck with Term 3 (sigh, it starts in just 10 days !!).
A reminder that the final exam will be held on Thursday, 22nd August in two sessions. You can find your session and seating allocation here . Please double check and make sure you go to the correct room.
Some information about what is and isn't available in the exam environment.
What is available (during the entire duration of the exam)
What you should bring
Good luck everyone !! May the force be with you.