20 submissions, 18 compiled. 306 games ran.

Round 1 broke due to some network issues in CSE, so restarted a bit late. It ran pretty quickly with the exception of one group (you know who you are) whose Hunters and Dracula were just infinite loops. I'm now very tempted to add a penalty for "number of times you hit the move timeout".

Here's the run-times as a graph. y is log-scale total move time in seconds per game; fastest 526 μsec, median 276 msec, mean 35 sec, slowest 1183 sec:

I've also fixed up ranks, so they now make more sense. Congratulations to team Blade who improved as Dracula the most; and to team Kevin and Hui for holding onto the top of the hunter ranks. The next round is scheduled for a bit after 6am.

I'm also going to be keeping some round analysis and notes on my blog; if you're really curious about how rounds run and various interesting bits of rambling about the game engine and interface, keep an eye on it.

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