Round ran at 06:11. 28 submissions, 28 compiled, 756 games ran. Fastest game 390.00 μsec; lower quartile 263.33 msec; median 977.49 msec; upper quartile 3.04 sec; mean 3.41 sec; slowest game 317.14 sec. Some slow games creeping in as people's strategies get more complex and compute-hungry:

And if you look in at a game log, you'll see why this analysis was so late: I've finally switched the new game log viewer live. It does better round-by-round analysis and lets you skip forward and backwards player- or turn-at-a-time. It hides player output by default, too.

Games before round 5 don't have running score display; in rounds 5 and onwards, the game engine reports the score each turn. I don't get player health until that player's turn, so it may appear, for example, that Dracula is alive right at the end of a game where his health goes to zero.

(The reason for that is I'm too lazy to implement the views in Yet Another programming language this session.)

I've also whacked a few small bugs caused by our bazaar of bizarre Unicode group names. They now render properly in the group list, ranks, and in game log headers.

Let me know if you run into any bugs while you're on the trail.

Next round at 20:03.

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