Round at 20:03. 30 submissions, 28 Draculas compiled, 27 Hunters compiled, 729 games ran. A slight sag in the number of running games because of compile failures -- all spectacular. At least one group submitted a broken Makefile; others seem to have forgotten to at least write syntactically valid C. One group's Dracula compiled, but their hunter didn't; strange.
Times: fastest game 888.00 μsec; lower quartile 240.96 msec; median 1.02 sec; upper quartile 2.52 sec; mean 2.65 sec; slowest game 55.93 sec. I'm very curious about the mean slowly sliding outside the most common round times.
Here's the customary graph of comparative rounds -- the curve is shorter because the game count was down:
And for illustration, here's all the games thus far:
There's not been a major change in the number of submissions, which is the most striking observation, but the rounds have been fairly consistent in time: not much has changed in the last day or so.
While we're looking at the picture so far, let's have a look at how the timing statistics have changed.
It looks like the typical game time has actually been fairly constant. The mean is skewed surprisingly high, presumably because of just how slow the slow games have been. Here's just the middle 50% of games, and the mean relative to those.
(Google Sheets isn't very good at dealing with area fills on log-scale graphs. *sigh* )
Next round is at 06:12 tomorrow.