Round at 06:12. 30 submissions, 29 hunters compiled, 28 draculas compiled; 784 games ran. Most of yesterday evening's compile errors have gone away, thank goodness, so we're back on the upward trend for games.
Fastest game 748 μsec; lower quartile 305.42 msec; median 1.11 sec; upper quartile 2.76 sec; mean 2.89 sec; slowest game 66.82 sec.
Games are still trending slower, which I fully expect, and the mean is still diverging away from the middle 50% of game times, which is very peculiar, and I'm not sure quite what to make of that. Also of note is the jump in the lower quartile time, suggesting that more strategies are appearing.
I'm tempted to do some sort of move analysis -- what are the common locations on a map, where do people encounter traps or vampires, etc. -- but I fear that may influence strategy a bit too much. Decisions, decisions.
Next round is at 20:02. Stay cool.