Round at 06:13. 34 submissions, 31 draculas compiled, 32 hunters compiled, 961 games ran; the game engine broke 36 games by silently failing before the first player could move. Those games have been excluded from stats and from the rounds, and in particular this has affected groups g014890, g014891, and g014895.

Fastest game 3.94 msec; lower quartile 253 msec; median 1.15 sec; mean 2.76 sec; upper quartile 3.78 sec; slowest game 54.06 sec. Games are still slowing down, and the spread across the middle indicates some quite complex 'thinking' happening inside AIs.

I'll update here once I find out what's happened to those 36 games.
Update: I have no idea what happened to those 36 games. I can't reproduce any of the failures I saw. I've disabled five hosts from the runner cluster which caused problems; I think we're good now.

Next round is at 20:01.

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