Round at 06:18. 43 submissions, 43 draculas compiled, 43 hunters compiled, 1806 games ran. The count of hunters and draculas is up again, pushing us up against a half hour to run all the games.

Fastest game 1.22 msec (!!!); lower quartile 285.93 msec; median 1.10 sec; upper quartile 4.24 sec; mean 3.12 sec; slowest game 44.02 sec:

And given it's been a while since we saw the shape of progress, let's see what the overall trends have been. Here, again, is the range graphs showing slowest, quartiles, median, and fastest games. The inner section is the most interesting, especially its slow trend upwards. I suspect the slowest/fastest games tracking is disappearing into noise, given its variability.

And here's just the inner section, with the mean line. The mean has been well and truly below the upper quartile, suggesting the average games is relatively faster, though the size of the range is still slowly increasing.

Here's today's weird graph: I've got the candlesticks, showing that range and the movement round-on-round of the median, and have overlaid, on the right (linear) axis the size of that 50% range. The resulting graph is a hot mess, and Edward Tufte would probably kill me for it, but:

It's not just my imagination; that middle 50% has been creeping upwards at a scary pace.

Next round at 20:00 sharp.

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