I've been a bit remiss in keeping this data up to date. Here's three fresh new data points as we roll into round 21.

round 17 ran at 20:01 on 31 Jan. 43 submissions, 42 draculas compiled, 42 hunters compiled, 1722 games ran; fastest game 750 μsec; lower quartile 310.45 msec; median 1.11 sec; mean 3.10 sec; upper quartile 4.02 sec; slowest game 58.28 sec.

round 18 ran at 06:19 on 1 Feb. 44 submissions, 43 draculas compiled, 43 hunters compiled, 1806 games ran; fastest game 756 μsec; lower quartile 294.27 msec; median 1.12 sec; mean 3.10 sec; upper quartile 4.01 sec; slowest game 48.25 sec.

round 19 ran at 20:01 on 1 Feb. 48 submissions, 48 draculas compiled, 47 hunters compiled, 2188 games ran; fastest game 1 msec; lower quartile 303.18 msec; median 1.09 sec; mean 2.96 sec; upper quartile 3.70 sec; slowest game 56.32 sec.

round 20 ran at 06:19. 49 submissions, 49 draculas compiled, 49 hunters compiled, 2330 games ran; fastest game 188 μsec; lower quartile 303.12 msec; median 1.08 sec; mean 3.18 sec; upper quartile 4.06 sec; slowest game 69.41 sec. in exactly one game, all AIs broke in the first round..

That band in the middle is coming back tighter again, as the width of that middle 50% range is shrinking again; we've come off from the peak in round16 of a range of +3.95s in that middle 50% down 15% to +3.40s in round19, but that's surged again.

Next round at 19:59. Roll on, non-daylight-savings time.

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