All CSE lecturers are being asked to encourage students to do the myExperience survey for each of their subjects. Therefore, I encourage you to complete the survey :-)
We currently have a visiting academic who is using the office 510N for 1 week. If your group was using equipment from the office you will still be able to get to it, but please knock first. If your group is using the desktop machine, please ask before using the machine, limit the number of group members using the office space and please be courteous. Otherwise the office is not available for use until after Wednesday next week (14th October).
Can everyone please add their project groups on the " Project Groups " page.
Please use this page to update what your group is working on, and progress you have made as you work on the project. This will help Claude and myself see how all of the projects are progressing.
The homework for week 5 has been updated to fix an error. Now all the probabilities should sum to 1.
The demo's for assignment 1 will start at 12pm tomorrow sharp.
Tentatively, the marking schedule is below. I've allowed 20-mins for each group for setting up time and the 15 mins total time for the run. However, it is likely that the order will change and timings will change. Thus please be prepared to arrive sooner than the slot.
If there are any problems with these times (such as clashes with other classes) please let me know ASAP.
Group | Time |
2 | 12.00-12.20 |
1 | 12.20-12.40 |
6 | |
3 | 13.00-13.20 |
5 | 13.20-13.40 |
4 | 13.40-14.00 |
7 | 14.00-14.20 |
8 | 14.20-14.40 |
Please remember that when you are done using a robot to:
If you forget one of these steps, then other students cannot use the robot after you.
For those wishing to use the Crosbot exploration and/or mapping, I've updated our internal wiki with more documentation details.
For starting on Assignment 1, it is advisable to cover the following ROS tutorials:
For now, you can probably skip the tutorials on:
I've added a Turtlebot Status page under the Software & Robots resource. I'll keep this up to date on what robots are working.
I have uploaded the groups for Assignment 1 that were created in the last lab. However not everybody is currently in a group. If you are not, feel free to form one before Thursday. Otherwise we will just form the last groups in the Thrusday lab.